WIM Voices - Princeton Theological Seminary

Voices of Women in Ministry

WIM Voices is a place where women in ministry may creatively share sermons, essays, poems, art, articles, information about advanced studies, personal reflections and more. A project of the Women in Ministry Initiative of Princeton Theological Seminary, WIM Voices seeks to provide a platform for the many voices of women in engaged in the ministering life—within the Church of Jesus Christ and beyond. It is our hope that you will consider submitting your contributions for review and possible inclusion in WIM Voices. It is important to know what women in ministry are doing and we hope that this platform provides a means of building our community.

Submission Guidelines

Voices of Women in Ministry

In WIM: The Newsletter for Women In Ministry, we are searching for work that is smart, honest, poignant, relevant, as well as fun and at times whimsical. We seek work that our sisters in ministry would delight in finding in their e-mail boxes at the end of a long day; something to which they could relate, something that would open their eyes to a new ministry context, something that might challenge thought as well as something that would nourish and nurture body, mind and spirit. We are looking for work that will connect the women graduates of Princeton Theological Seminary. Although it is not required that authors of articles be graduates of Princeton, we hope that many graduates will want to submit to the newsletter. The newsletter will be sent to all women graduates of Princeton Theological Seminary. We are also looking for submissions of art, photography, poetry and other creative venues.

Criteria for article submission

  • Newsletters will contain two lead articles. Each article will consist of 500 words (plus a 50 word synopsis); shorter pieces of 150 words can contain links to whole articles, sermons, or other writings. Authors will also be able to provide links to their web pages so that further information is made available to readers.
  • Articles for the next issue are to be submitted by December 15, 2017. Incomplete or late submissions will not be accepted. Articles are to be submitted to Dorothy LaPenta, the editor of WIM at dorlap2451@gmail.com in Word format.
  • All submissions are subject to editing to fit the criteria outlined in these guidelines.
  • Individuals who submit information for the newsletter must ensure the accuracy, timeliness, and reliability of the submitted material.
  • All submission requests must include contact information, including name, telephone number, email address, and website links for readers to obtain further detailed information and clarification.
  • Articles of a commercial nature will not be published.
  • Solicitations will not be accepted.
  • Messages with a particular political perspective will not be published.
  • Please inform us if the article has been published previously and where.

Criteria for Photo Submission

  • Format: JPEG preferred; other formats may be acceptable as well. Files should be sent as email attachments, or linked in dropbox, not embedded in a text document or email.
  • Size: Send full-size, high-pixel-count files—at least 1,600 pixels wide for landscape or at least 1,200 pixels high for portrait. Small photos of 100 KB are not usable, and sizes upwards of 2MB are preferred.
  • Credits: Photos must be original works and must include the name of the photographer. If you are not the photographer, you must secure permission to use the photos with your article. Copyrighted photos are not accepted without the expressed permission of the copyright holder.
  • Other: Photos should be big, bright, and sharp, with no timestamps or watermarks. Low-quality photos or out-of-focus photos cannot be used.
  • Captions: Please provide captions for illustrations and/or include placement callouts in the article text, as needed.

Allow time for response to your submission. If an article is not used in an upcoming newsletter, it might be held for a future edition, or posted on the WIM website. You will be informed, and your permission secured in either of these cases.

Download Newsletter Submission Guidelines (pdf)

Our goal is to produce an e-publication of this newsletter on a quarterly basis. The theme of the next newsletter will be “Off-Balance.” It seems like we are always trying to put our lives into balance. But God seems to work in the chaos, very often when we can’t seem to strike that perfect balance. If you would like to contribute an article to this newsletter, the deadline for submissions is December 15, 2017.